Using Your Story To Inspire Others

Sobriety Bestie Blog/Entrepreneurship/Using Your Story To Inspire Others

You've been through something major and now you want to use your story to inspire others.

Maybe you got sober.

Maybe you overcame anxiety.

Or you went through something hard AF and now that you've emerged as a freakin HERO you want to help others slay those dragons a bit faster.

I LOVE this about you!

There's so much VALUE in your experience, your wisdom, your steps through the dark and into the light.

And sharing your inspirational message is a great way to make a difference in the world.

Or perhaps you want to use your inspirational story, your message of hope, your courageously earned wisdom as the foundation for a business.

Fantastic, it's a great day to use your story to inspire others.

​We all need the inspiration!



You've been through something, you are a warrior. You are a hero. You have been through something major. It's probably what's going on that you've been through something major. You've likely been to hell and back, and now you're here alive, thriving, surviving to thriving. And you want to spare other people.

Even if it's just one person, you want to help other people break free, break through. You want to shortcut them. You want to make the journey, take less time for them because you were there. It sucked. It was horrible. You learned a lot. You transformed and you have mined your experience for the wisdom that's inside the gem that can help somebody else.

Hello, Courageous Bestie! Today is super important, powerful, amazing, because we're talking about using your story to inspire others. You feel called, inspired, a desire. You want to use your story, your experience, your wisdom to benefit others. You want to be a speaker, an inspirational speaker. And so If that's where you're at right now, and that's the desire that's been in your heart and you're not living that as fully as you would like to, this is for you.

I want to talk about, um, what that could look like, what maybe the next step would be, and just kind of break it down what the journey has been like for me, because a lot of people who come to my world end up in my courses or working with me in some capacity. It's because they have a story they want to use to benefit others.

So you want to share your message for the purpose of inspiring others, sparing them suffering and helping them transform their lives. This is a huge calling. This is amazing. This is your hero's journey. You can do it. It is possible. It is possible to use your story to help others transform and to make it into a business.

Whether you want to be a speaker, a coach, a consultant, you want to make online courses, run on my programs. Maybe you want to travel the world and work from your laptop. That was certainly my dream. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to help people with fear and I wanted to do it from wherever.

The fuck I wanted. I wanted to do it. I always wanted to live on an island. That was always my dream since I was a kid. I was always painting pictures of islands. It was always like a palm tree and an island, like a little crab on the beach. I was always painting islands as a kid. I always wanted to live on an island.

So that was my dream. I, I wanted to help people. And that was like at the depth of my core. And that's why I wanted, that's why I had the courage to overcome my phobia of public speaking, because I really wanted to help people with fear. I felt called to help people with fear. Also, I wanted to live my best life sober, right?

It was like, I almost died and I didn't die. And I got spared. I got this second shot at life. And so I want to really use it. I don't want to waste the second shot at life. Maybe that's where you're at right now. Maybe you're not even sober. Maybe you're an empty nester. Maybe you just turned 50. Maybe you just graduated college, wherever you're at, something just happened and shifted in your life.

You've been through something you've Finish a chapter, you're starting a new chapter and you want to help somebody in that past chapter, whether it is with alcohol, whether it's with anxiety, whether it's whatever it's with you've been through something. And now you want to share that with others. You want to turn it into an inspirational message that can have a real impact.

And maybe even an income, maybe you want to make it a profession. So that's where I started from.

I'll just break down exactly what I did to get started, because I think maybe it would be helpful just to hear what it was like for somebody else if this is what you're looking to do. So I knew for me that I wanted to help people with fear. I felt like possessed by a desire. Like it was like, this is my calling.

It was like, I have to, because for me, it was Life or death at the end of my, uh, at the end of my drinking, alcohol and fear almost killed me. My spirit almost left my body. Like it was really bad. And so when I didn't have to die, when I got to live, I felt like I want to help other people who are struggling with alcohol and fear.

I want to help other people with anxiety, with these things that I've been struggling with. Tormenting me. Some of them, my entire life, fear and anxiety were always tormenting me. And when I started getting relief, because I was so desperate that I kept trying things until something worked. When I overcame my anxiety, I wanted to help other people with it.

I felt like, Oh my God, I figured something out. I want to help people. And you know what? Maybe I wasn't qualified. But what the hell does that even mean? What makes us qualified to help somebody else when somebody else tells us we're qualified? Now, look, in some cases we need to be qualified.

You don't want your surgeon to say, I felt called to be a surgeon. And that's what I did. And I had a spiritual journey and now I'm a surgeon. You want your surgeon when you get operated on to have gone to medical school and to been top of their class or something, right? Some, some things that we do require, uh, actual training.

For me, what I'm talking about is being a wisdom leader. That's what I feel like I am. I am a wisdom leader. And this is what I mean. I've been through something. It was hard. I found my way through. I figured out like how to get through this path. And now I want to help others through that path from where I was to where I want to be.

And I want to share my wisdom, my inspirational story, my steps, my way. From where I was to where I am now, or where I was to point A to point B and share the wisdom and how we get there. So that's what I look at being, wanting to be an inspirational speaker, wanting to share your message, wanting to start a YouTube channel, wanting to do a Ted talk, wanting to go live on Facebook, whatever it is, however you want to share your message, however you want to take your wisdom and package it into a business and help people, whether it's just local in your community, right?

That's how I started out. It was in my living room or whether you want to sell it online or however it's. It's packing up your wisdom in a way, whether it's in a message, in a story or in a product or in a service. I call that a wisdom leader because it's leading from your wisdom by something you've been through.

This isn't a theory. It's not something you thought about. Although you can do that too. You can sell theories. You can sell information. That's not a problem. The most inspirational stories, in my opinion, are from people who have actually done the thing people will walk, walk, walk the walk.

If you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk. Right. You know, you've been there. You've been through the dark. You weren't sure if you're going to get through. It seemed like confusing and overwhelming and you found a way through and now you're here. You're to show me you're the guide, you're Yoda and I'm Luke and I'm, I'm confused and I need your wisdom so I can get through and have that breakthrough.

Like I want people who have been there and can leave me out of the cave. If you've never been in the cave and lead yourself out of the cave, then how can I have the confidence that you can lead me out of the cave? So I call that a wisdom leader, wanting to share an inspirational story.

Just inspiring people and helping people and or into an actual business. So then the question is, what have you been through? What's your big transformation? How have you changed your life? What's the wisdom that you gained from going through that? So I would take pen to paper. I would spend some time journaling and write out what it is that you feel called to help people with.

Even if it's vague, even if you're not sure what your message was, I wasn't, I knew it was around fear because that's what almost killed me. That was very obvious. It was like, I have to talk about this. I have to let people know. Okay, so I'm recording this in 2024.

This was in 2010 I was thinking this. So along like a decade and a half ago, pretty much, I was thinking I have to tell people about anxiety. I have to tell them what I've been learning. Because I've been learning a lot. I've been getting freedom. I wasn't ready yet. I didn't really learn enough to teach somebody at that point.

I was still having anxiety attacks. So I wanted to learn more, but by 2011, that desire was getting stronger. And by 2012, I stopped having anxiety attacks. The anxiety disorders were over. I found a way through and that's in 2012 was when I started teaching people about anxiety. I felt compelled to, I felt a responsibility. Not like in a martyr way, but in a, I want to dedicate my life to this way.

Like, this seems like a great use of my time to help people with anxiety. That was in 2012. That was a revelation for me that we can overcome anxiety. I'm a testament to that. And then my students started getting free. I've already told you in another podcast how after one lesson in 2012, one of my students never had an anxiety attack again.

So this stuff works. We can make this change. I have some wisdom from my own experience, which is what you're, you have wisdom from your own experience and I'm going to talk about it. That's my inspirational message. It's inspiring because it's a real person did a real thing or a real student.

There's real results, right? Somebody who really gets it. Somebody who gets the dark can lead me out of the dark into the light. They're in the light now, but if you haven't seen the dark, I can't trust you. I need to know that you know what it's like in order to be led there. Right. If I don't think that you've been where I've been, I don't think you can leave me out of here.

So we need to share from the wisdom of our own experience. That's my suggestion there.

So I don't know if I was qualified to teach about anxiety back then, but I felt like that would be a great use of my time. I had figured some stuff out quite a lot of stuff out about anxiety. I wasn't trained. I wasn't saying that I'm an anxiety doctor. I wasn't diagnosing people. I wasn't medicating people, but I learned techniques and tools that worked.

I had quite literally devoted my life to it because I was so freaked out. I had to find a way out. Otherwise I couldn't stay sober. And then if I didn't stay sober, I was probably going to drink again, which I was probably going to die. So I had to. Like, if there's a burning building and you know, you have to jump, otherwise you can't jump cause it's scary, but you can't stay on the ledge cause you're going to burn, you're about to get burned.

You have to jump. That's where I was at. I have to figure out anxiety. Otherwise I'm going to get burned and I'm going to die. So I have to figure it out. That was my path. Now look, yours might not be as dramatic as that. I can be dramatic sometimes. I get it. Like, that's just kind of how I am. I'm kind of hyper excitable.

That's kind of how my nervous system works. I get really excited about things that I'm passionate about. Maybe you're passionate too. Maybe you're multi passionate. Maybe you've been through something way more intense than I have, right? So it's not really about comparing. It's about What is it that you feel a desire to help people with?

What have you been through that you want to use as your story to inspire others? So for me, it was really about fear and anxiety. I felt I can help people with this. I knew I had figured it out for myself. I no longer had the anxiety disorders. I no longer had the anxiety attacks.

And I had a friend at the time. Who is a good friend and he meant well, but he told me I wasn't ready to teach about anxiety. He told me I wasn't qualified. He told me, that he wasn't even, that he was, Further down the road than me because he had done all this meditation training. He had lived in a Zen center.

He worked at a meditation center on the very first Vipassana I went on in 2012. He worked there and he told me that I wasn't ready. Now, there's truth to what he said. He was way more skilled with me with emotions and the mind and meditation and mindfulness and anxiety, that kind of stuff. That's true.

And his mentor told him that he wasn't ready. That's true. Now him telling me that I'm not ready. Is that true? Maybe, maybe not. Does somebody else get to tell me what I get to do? Not really. Not unless there's actually like a law. There's not a law to me telling someone how to like breathe to calm themselves down.

If I figured out a way to breathe to calm yourself down, if I figured out how to use mindfulness so you don't have an anxiety attack, there's no law that says I can't tell my friend that or tell another person that, right. I did know something. So even though what he said, and this is key because there's going to be now.

I'm going to put him in the category of a hater. He wasn't a hater, but sometimes our haters are disguised as loved ones and friends and family members or partners or whatever. He was hating on me wanting to do this, meaning he was discouraging me. Okay. It wasn't hate. He was discouraging me. He told me I wasn't ready.

It's like, no. And so, but he was mirroring what I felt inside. Inside I felt I'm not good enough. I'm not ready. I don't know enough. I'm not trained. I don't know what I'm doing. So I already felt insecure. And quite often, this is what we find as wisdom leaders, as courageous besties. But as we go out to do our purpose work, the, our fears on the inside are attracting the conversations from people on the outsides.

So people are going to say things to us and it's going to hit that, Wound that fear, that doubt that's already within us. And so, Ooh, that doesn't feel good. Ooh, what do I do here? That's fine. Expect it. Expect the outside world to mirror what you're already feeling on the inside. Expect it. And let's let it go.

Remember, we're going to expect discomfort. Did you listen to that podcast? Expect discomfort, expect discomfort, expect the haterade, expect people to discourage you and expect to be uncomfortable. This is all expected. We're not here to be comfortable. We're not here to be that loved by everyone. We're here to make a difference in the world.

We're here to really go for it and deliver our lives fully. It's not comfortable. People are going to judge us. We're going to have our own insecurities pop up, but we're here to evolve. We are souls inside bodies here to evolve. We are willing to feel uncomfortable for the sake of our dreams. We are willing to burn through all of that needs to break down within us.

All of the beliefs that are stopping us, all of the emotions that are That are blocking us all of the thought patterns, all of the people, all the naysayers burn through all of it so that we don't have to believe it by burn through it, I mean, we can jump from that burning building of all the BS that's behind us and fly into the expansion of our spirit in the world.

I feel, I feel possessed. I feel possessed. I feel the spirit of this message really strongly because they're not all going to be on your team. They're not. It's okay. You got to figure out within yourself, am I ready? Do I want to do this? And I decided that I was ready. Nobody told me I was ready. I decided, it really helped me.

I wrote down affirming words and I put them in front of my mirror where I put on my mascara every morning or brush my teeth. I had some in my bathroom and some by where I did my makeup. Right. And I read them every day. I decided which beliefs I wanted to believe that were aligned with who I wanted and needed to become in Order to be the woman who could answer the call that I was trying to live, which was to help people with fear and anxiety in order to be the woman who could help people with fear and anxiety.

I had to believe new thoughts. I had to believe that I had something to give. I had to believe that I could make a difference in the world and that it didn't matter what the naysayer said, that I had something, I had a piece of wisdom to share and it was worth it for me to feel uncomfortable because there was somebody's transformation was on the line.

I was here to help somebody. I was here to serve somebody, something important, and that was more important to me. Their transformation, the people that I wanted to help had to be more important than my fear. That's what's on offer for you. That's the invitation for you is to make your purpose more important than your fear.

Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to share a message? Why do you want to create a business around your purpose around your message? Why do you want to inspire other people with your story? The purpose, your why must be stronger than your fear.

That's it. And so what happened was I started helping people with anxiety. I threw an event at my house. It was in my living room. I like put like pillows all on the ground. I had this little like Buddha candle thing in the middle, like a, mandala, in the middle of the circle of pillows.

I made tea. I turned on like meditation, yoga, music, whatever. I invited people over that I knew to my house for this session. It was like a month long. So it was one hour a week. I don't know. It was like one hour Tuesday nights for four sessions. And I wrote out the, what it was going to be, how the things I was going to teach five of them over, we had tea, we went and sat down, I guided them through an experience, I did some teaching, some talking, some experiential stuff, and then they, then we talked, we shared, then they came back the next week, there was another lesson.

And then we integrated the lesson that we like unpacked it and talk. And then they came back and we did that four times. And that's what I did. And all of them. Wrote me down testimonials. They liked it. They enjoyed it. They got benefit. It was little shifts I wasn't like moving mountains in the beginning.

I'm not moving mountains now. I was never moving mountains. Don't have to move mountains This is not about like huge things. It's about small shifts make all the difference So I was giving them small shifts new ways to relate to their thoughts and their feelings I had figured some stuff out you have figured some stuff out Tell the people the things you figured out, right?

That's all it is. And so it was really humble beginnings and they liked it. They got great results. They told their friends. I ran it again. The second month, the second month that I ran this was their friend. Now their friends were the people that were in my class and they came for four weeks. It was the same thing.

I taught the same thing again for four weeks, the same lessons I had already written, but I was a little bit better. I was a little bit more confident. I had a group of people who really liked it. They asked me questions. Then I had more students and more students and more students.

And so I started getting to know what kind of questions these people had when they were first coming. So beginner meditators, beginner mindfulness people, beginners with, um, changing their relationship with stress, anxiety, and emotions. They all started asking similar questions. So then because they were asking similar questions, I could actually see the answers into my talk so that then they, those questions were answered, then they would ask different questions.

So then I would be able to answer all their questions as I became a better teacher. That's the cliff notes. I got better. So as we do something the first time and the second time and the third time, it's uncomfortable. Whether you're sharing an inspirational message, you're teaching from your inspiration, you're being a wisdom leader, you're, um, productizing your knowledge and selling it on the internet, whatever you're doing with your inspirational message with your wisdom at first, it can be uncomfortable when we do something new and then we start stacking those experiences and we get better and we get better and we get better.

We build our competence. over time, our experience becomes competence. And as we've become more competent, like literally, as I was explaining, I was becoming a better teacher because I was very aware of the questions they were asking. They would all ask the same thing. How do I know I'm meditating correctly?

I think this is a waste of time. Like they had the same things they were constantly saying. So then I would use those words as I was teaching them. So as I would guide them through meditation, I would say, and the way that you know, you're doing it right is because you're more aware of your breath than normal.

So I began to answer their questions at the part of my teaching where I knew those questions were typically popping up in people's minds. So my experience is becoming, I'm doing it more times. I'm gaining competence. I'm getting better. We gain competence and the competence leads to confidence. So now I'm confident that I'm doing.

Good, because I know I'm answering their questions and I'm becoming better and then we continue to grow and evolve. And so we're never going to necessarily feel ready. You know, that new level, new devil thing. Every time we step outside our comfort zone, it's going to be uncomfortable. We just keep doing things and it stacks.

The skills stack, the experience stacks, it stacks into competence, which stacks into confidence, which stacks into. Like greatness. We become great. We step into our potential. We start living, at a higher capacity. We will able to serve at a higher capacity. We're able to contribute at a higher capacity.

We're able to earn at a higher capacity and impact at a higher capacity. We get better. It's cool. We just got to start. So we start where we are.

And going back to my well meaning friend who told me that I wasn't qualified and wasn't ready to teach about anxiety. He started teaching about anxiety and mindfulness and meditation.

I don't know, like three, four years later, whatever it was after me. And when he started teaching when he was finally given permission and in his. Lineage or however he was doing it. Maybe that was the right way to make him wait until that certain time to do that. Right. I'm not here to judge anyone's path.

I felt called to teach it at that time. And I ended up finding the courage to just do what I felt inside. I was meant to do. And I did it. So by the time he started, I was thinking, well, you know what, he was ahead of me. Four years ago. So I'm still, he's still probably ahead of me in some ways or who knows, right?

Because now I've been teaching it for four years. I thought about when he started finally doing the work, I started thinking about all of the students and clients I had had over the four years prior, the three or four years prior. I thought about every individual person who told me that they no longer have anxiety attacks, that they overcame their anxiety.

And I started thinking, I am so glad I didn't wait until I felt like I was ready until he thought I was ready until anybody else told me that I was ready. I listened to what I felt inside. I feel inspired to do it now. I'm going to find a way to do it now because those people wouldn't have been served.

Their problem wouldn't have been solved. They would still be anxious. Maybe they would have found another teacher. I'm not the only one who teaches about this stuff, but they might not have ever gotten their transformation. If I didn't trust the call that I had for myself. So anoint yourself, appoint yourself, decide that you're going to do the damn thing that you are ready.

Now that if you feel called, now you feel ready. That's your qualification is that, that you feel it and do what you can to help them. Now, like I said, in the beginning, it was people in my living room, sitting on pillows around a little candle with some yoga music. You know, like Om Namah Shivaya vibes, right?

Let's, um, Nag Champa. And we had a little meditation and it was fun. And then the next month it was their friends and the month after it was their friends. And then eventually I took it to a sober living house and I did it there the same course, but I got better. So by the time I got to the sober living house, I had already done this course several times.

And then by the time I put it on the internet, it's a course I have now on the internet called digital anxiety pill. By the time I put it on the internet, I was even better at teaching it. And then I refilmed the entire thing and did it again. I've taught this same course. I've taught it. My villa in Bali.

I've taught it the sober living home. I've taught it at a high school as a guest teacher over zoom. I taught it, um, in nonprofits. I've taught it at corporations. I've taught this same course on anxiety. The basic one that I wrote essentially when I wasn't qualified, when, when somebody who was ahead of me said I wasn't ready.

That's the same course I've been teaching. I've taught, I don't even know, thousands. So many people this stuff. Because it's the basics. The beginners need the basics. So if you're in third grade now, you can teach a kindergartner. Like, third grade in what you know, right? So, when I first started teaching about anxiety, I know a lot more now, like, 12 years later, about anxiety than I did then.

A lot more. But, the Kirsten, who Just had an anxiety attack like six months ago or a year ago. Might've been a better teacher than the person today. Right? That's why in my course, digital anxiety pill, that's on my website right now, there is like, the main chunk of it is filmed in 2016.

I think what I call OG Kirsten, like OG me, right? OG Kirsten is perhaps a better teacher because she's closer to the pain of that experience. Because if you get too advanced in what you learn about something, you might not be the best teacher for the beginners.

If you want to teach beginners, you only need to be a step or two ahead of them. That's good news. You only need to be a couple of steps ahead, depending on what you're teaching, what you're doing, right? Again, if you're a surgeon, definitely go to medical school. This might not be relevant for everything.

I'm, generalizing here because I don't really know you probably, and I don't really know what you're going to talk about and what business you plan to have or what story you want to share. Um, but you only need to be a couple of steps ahead of people in order to be a good teacher.

And in fact, if you're way too many steps ahead of people, it can be hard to understand and relate. It's just. It's too far ahead. And so for me, I call it the third grader principle. That's how I explain it to like my clients and students. If you're in third grade, you can teach second graders, first graders, kindergartners, you'd be amazing, right?

You probably can't teach fifth graders because they might be a little bit ahead of you on this. But if you wait until you're in grad school or in your doctorate program, you might not be able to. First of all, there's all those people that you're going to miss being able to teach, but the kindergartners might not relate to you.

If you're in your PhD program, you're so far ahead of them. You might miss the nuances of like, what's actually going on in that moment. Like I said, OG Kirsten likely might be a better teacher in some topics or the videos at the very least still have incredible value because the teaching that you have right now used specifically is very valuable for somebody who's a step or two or five or, you know, so behind you and who you become as you answer the call and continue to do this work, you might become.

too far ahead for them to really relate to you. So record your teachings now. So when I first did the teaching of my course, my living room, that was 2012, 2013, around then, I don't have that recorded. I wish I did. I wish I have recorded. Like when I taught on the sober living home, I wish that was recorded.

I went through a couple of times and meaning a couple of times, meaning the entire lesson is like a month long course, right? So I wish I had that recorded because that would be really valuable. They got great results out of that. So record yourself. Now you might not think that you're good enough. But I want to say that you probably are good enough.

And the fact that you feel called to share and help people and inspire people probably is the evidence that you are good enough, right? There are people who need what you already have. Now, you are good enough. Now, you know, enough. Now you've already been through something you found your way through. And what you know is valuable for the people who haven't been there yet.

You are living their dreams. You are living your old dream. Likely my old dream was to overcome anxiety. To me, a life beyond my wildest dreams, quite frankly, is waking up, not an anxiety attack. And the fact that now I wake up before my alarm, like excited for the day.

Cause I got to do things like this, like make a video for you about sharing your inspirational message and sobriety. I love that. I love this ish.

Start now. Record yourself now, please, please. I wish I had the old stuff about me recorded. So wherever you're at in your journey right now, record yourself. It's valuable. Now you have value. Now your message has value. Now there are people who need what you have now. Yes, you will get better as you do it.

You're going to be stacking your skills, stacking your confidence, stacking your confidence. You're going to be becoming a better teacher. Um, and as you can become a better teacher, you can, you're going to be teaching about other things, teaching about it in different ways. But what, you know, now is.

Already good enough. So get clear on what is your story? What's the core of it? It doesn't have to be so dialed in right now. For me, it was literally as vague anxiety and fear are pretty vague. They're pretty big topics. Like everybody is qualified in those categories. Everybody's had anxiety. Everybody's had fear.

Now for me, it kind of went down to like sober people, but they weren't all my students at first weren't all sober. It was who I knew who wanted to come and then who they invited, who their friends were. They weren't all sober. So it wasn't even just limited to sober people, but that was for me, it was early sobriety.

Anxiety was really what I felt passion to help people with because I was like, if I don't solve this problem, I'm going to get drunk and get drunk as to die. I got to solve early sobriety, anxiety. And then I realized other people needed that problem solved too. So I'm going to solve it for them. And then I got really good at solving it because I kept helping people.

I got good by doing it. Not by thinking about it, not by desiring it. I felt compelled to do it because I desired to it. I committed to courage to doing it because I desired to do it, right? And I felt called to do it, but I got better at it by actually doing it. We got to do the thing. We just do the thing.

We start where we are. Look, my friend started four years later than me. That's fine. He It's not comparing, right? But those four years that I was doing it before he started doing it, I was stacking experience. I was stacking my competence and I was stacking my confidence and I was stacking my students results.

I was impacting lives, which was what was really driving me. I wanted a meaningful life. To me, getting sober was a second shot at life. I didn't die. I was close to dying and I got spared. I wanted to do something meaningful with my life, which is why I think you're here. You want to do something meaningful with your life.

You want your life to have purpose. That's great. I think most of us should want that, right? But you want that. You're here. You're listening. And so that's it. Just do it. Bring the meaning. What is meaningful to you? What's the most meaningful thing that you can, um, say that you want to help people with? It doesn't have to be super refined in the beginning.

Just start from somewhere. Fear, anxiety, super big, super vague. So I wrote down what I wanted to help people with. And then I wrote down, um, what I wanted to teach them. And then I told people that I'm going to teach this thing. I named it. I named the class. It wasn't named digital anxiety pill at first, obviously, because it was in person, it wasn't online.

But when I moved overseas, when I moved to Bali, I put it on the internet. And that's when I called it digital anxiety pill, because now it's on the internet. So it's digital. Figure out your topic. You can name your course, name your talk, name your topic, claim your topic.

So just start where you're at, get clear on what you want to talk about, no matter how vague it is, like it was for me, if you're in anxiety, right? Get clear on what you want to talk about. What are some of the things you want to teach? What are the things that helped you get through? What are the things that the person, you know, that you want Who's going from a, so you're an inspirational message and inspirational story, using your story to inspire others, especially in sobriety.

Is about bringing somebody from a to B, right? So if you're a transformational speaker, a transformational leader, a wisdom leader, if you're leading with wisdom, then it's about bringing somebody from a, to be from where they are, to where they want to be, right. It's like bridging that gap. That's like essentially what a life coach is too.

That was like where I started to, I was like, I want to be a life coach. I want to be a speaker. And maybe that's where you, maybe your life coach too. And so, where are they now? Where do they want to be? And how do you bridge that gap? So if you're going to give an inspirational talk, what is it about?

What is the core message? Pick what the core messages and then figure out where they are, where they want to be, and then you give, what are the three steps they need to get there? What are the three things you need to teach them? What are the five things you want to teach them? What are the 10 things?

Think about how many things they need to know from where they are here to where you're bringing them. It doesn't have to be huge. Just what is it? For me, I want to help people feel more comfortable in their skin, help them with anxiety. So I wanted one of the. Of the four weeks, one of the weeks, no, it was an hour a week.

This is four hours of teaching. One of the weeks was about mindfulness. So I had them go into their body with their, with their consciousness, right? That's I've been teaching you this all up on all the podcasts, close your eyes. Where are the sensations like having them embody their consciousness basically, and go into their body and have a new relationship with the sensations inside their body.

That was one of the nights. Another one of the nights was something else. And so I had things I was going to teach them. And then I wrote out what it was going to look like. And then I just started doing it. So that's my recommendation. It's like, write your talk. What's important to say, this is not your masterpiece.

You become masterful as you do this. So write the talk down. What do you want to inspire them? What do you want them to think and feel and do after they hear you? What do you want to inspire in them? What moves do you want them to make after they listen to you know where you're taking them and what the benefit is for them anchor on your purpose.

Your purpose is yes. You want to do this work because it's meaningful. What's your purpose for them? You're shifting them from a to B from where they are to where they want to be. What's possible for them after they hear your talk? Who do they become after they hear your talk? What I hope you become right now after listening to this podcast, if you're listening this far, right, is a confidence, more confident in your speaking, like ability to go out there and share your message that you can break it down, take the simple steps and go out there and start changing lives now or changing more lives now.

And you've likely already done a lot of this that you're not new, right. Or maybe you're totally new, but my intention for this is for you to get out there and share your message. To believe in yourself and to do it, to go start shape shifting the world with your consciousness, decide what you want to be.

Go out there and be it and do it and go help people and go transform people. Use your story to inspire others. So what do you want to inspire in them? What do you want them to do? Think of a call to action. What do you want to inspire in them? I'll call you to action right now. Write it in the comments.

What do you want to inspire in people? What do you want to be possible for them after they hear your inspirational story. Do you want them to know that sobriety is possible? Do you want them to know that they can overcome anxiety? Do you want them to know that they can believe in themselves?

What is it you want them to know? What is it that you want them to do? Feel? Have? Become? Who are they becoming as a result of what you have to say? So claim it. Write it in the comments. Let us all know. Show up. Write it down. and let's do this courageous bestie. Let's just, shapeshift our world together.

Let's just both commit to being courageous together along this journey of the podcast here. You know, it's, you gotta choose what you want to do with your life. And, um, what if you choose without limits? Now, look, life might limit you, but you don't have to limit yourself. You can expand your thinking and you could keep moving forward and stack those experiences until they become competence and then they become confidence.

And then you're making a real difference in the world. And that's a beautiful thing. And you can do it and I'll do it here with you. We can be courageous together up in this podcast. All right. Thank you so much for being here today on the Sobriety Bestie podcast. I hope you got something out of this. I had a lot of fun having this heart to heart with you and I wish you a beautiful day and go out there and inspire people with your message.

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Hi, I'm Bestie Kirsten

Founder of Sobriety Bestie and Creator of the courageous community Bestie Club, here to guide you on a  journey to freedom and self empowerment.

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